Without employees an organisation would not exist and without talented and motivated employees, an organisation has no hope of flourishing and staying competitive. Even the best laid plans can be scuppered by not having the best people in place to implement them, so it’s important to get this right.
But what exactly is it that makes the perfect employee and how can you go about both attracting and retaining these members of staff?
Well it all starts at the point of recruitment… Often companies are just too busy to put the right amount of effort into the recruitment process BUT you would not expect a perfect meal to be produced if you used flawed ingredients so why do we think we will get the perfect employee if we do not put the effort in to get the right people in the first place?
Step one is RECRUITMENT– know what you want and know what you need – often when an employee leaves there is a knee jerk reaction to ‘fill the gap’ when this can equally be seen as an opportunity to reorganise the department and perhaps recruit something new?
Then you need to get this down on a well written Job Description. …Read More
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