New EU ruling reveals employers can now read your WhatsApp messages! What does this mean?

By Stuart Gentle

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  • Posted inNews archive
  • on25 Jan 2016

Headlines were recently rocked by a ruling from the European Court of Human Rights, exercising the legal right employers have to both monitor and read employee private messages sent on platforms like Slack, Skype, WhatsApp and more, if sent during work time.

Instant messaging platforms like these are commonly used as a way to improve office communication. However, many are using the platforms to not only converse with other colleagues for work matters but to also interact socially too.

The new EU ruling has been dubbed the ‘snoopers’ charter for employers’, and perhaps rightly so.

More and more people are being given work phones and laptops as part of their employment offer and a result of this many in fact use these for personal use too. However, it is these situations which are causing confusion – does my employer still have the right to surveil?

The simple answer is yes! Although the law only allows employers to monitor conversations on company phones and devices; if they believe your personal social networking tools such as WhatsApp may contain professional messages, they have a legal right to read them and the court WILL rule the surveillance legitimate.

The case originated in …Read More

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