Recruiting the Perfect Team

By Stuart Gentle

Within a matter of months, recruitment has become candidate centric. With a skills shortage and high levels of employment, the candidate is now in control and has the pick of recruitment agencies. So what does this new recruitment environment mean – how can companies ensure they are in the best position to compete in the Year of the Candidate?

The key is to create the right team, with the right skills, working together in the right way. As Toby Conibear, European Business Development Director at Bond International Software, explains, both client and candidate expectations of a recruitment consultant have changed radically and companies must empower consultants with the right culture, skills and technology to support the new candidate centric business model.

New Skills Set

While a burgeoning jobs market may seem to offer unprecedented opportunities for recruiters to make money, the demands being placed on recruitment consultants today are new and challenging. In the past, a consultant could rely on great inter-personal communication and an understanding of a specific market area; but these skills alone simply don’t cut it in today’s 24×7, social media dominated world.

Today’s consultants require not only great face to face communication skills but also familiarity with social media, search …Read More

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